(800) 500-7224
About ACMS


The American College of Mohs Surgery is committed to excellence in training, education and research and is actively engaged in scholarship and innovation at the national level. To support its mission of promoting and advancing the highest standards of patient care with respect to Mohs surgery and cutaneous oncology, the ACMS can assist in educating your members and the public about skin cancer risks, treatment, and the benefits of Mohs micrographic surgery—the gold standard in treating multiple types of skin cancers.

Our members are highly engaged in the leadership of major dermatologic organizations including the American Academy of Dermatology and others. They are the most experienced dermatologic surgeons in the world, and have great enthusiasm for sharing the important message of skin cancer prevention and treatment.

Are you seeking:

  • Experienced speakers for your meeting or conference?
  • Articles for your journal, blog, newsletter or website?
  • Potential strategic partners who treat skin cancers daily?

Contact us today to learn how we can work together to educate and empower your members and the public: info@mohscollege.org / (800) 500-7224

The ACMS is a proud member of the following organizations:

Alliance of Specialty Medicine

The Alliance of Specialty Medicine is a coalition of national medical societies representing specialty physicians in the United States. This non-partisan group is dedicated to the development of sound federal health care policy that fosters patient access to the highest quality specialty care.

The ACMS has worked with the Alliance on a number of letters sent to legislators and media regarding issues that affect all medical specialties, including a recent Letter to the Editor of the New York Times regarding screening recommendations made by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).

National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention

The National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention is a united voice to reduce skin cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality through awareness, prevention, early detection, research, and advocacy.

The ACMS works with the NCSCP on a number of its initiatives, including content for its monthly newsletters and staff serving on the planning committee for the annual Don’t Fry Day, which encourages summer sun safety on the Friday before Memorial Day. Learn more about NCSCP activity here.

PASS Coalition

The Public Access to SunScreens (PASS) Coalition is a group of public health organizations, dermatologists, sunscreen ingredient companies, and concerned citizens working collaboratively with the FDA, Congress, the White House, health providers, consumer organizations and stakeholders to establish a regulatory pathway for timely pre-market review of new, safe and effective sunscreen ingredients. As a Supporting Member and the only specialty physician organization in the coalition, the ACMS played a critical role in demonstrating the importance of making effective sunscreens available as part of a broader strategy to reduce the growth in skin cancer incidences. The Coalition helped introduce and pass the bipartisan Sunscreen Innovation Act, signed into law by President Obama in November 2014.

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care

The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care is a nonprofit that develops standards to advance and promote patient safety, quality care, and value for ambulatory health care through peer-based accreditation processes, education, and research. The AAAHC is comprised of 18 Association Members that each provide representatives to serve on a Board of Directors. The ACMS representative is Ross Levy, MD, FACMS.

National Quality Forum

The National Quality Forum is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership-based organization that works to catalyze improvements in healthcare.

International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS)

The International League of Dermatological Societies is a confederation of both Members and Affiliated Member Societies. In 1935, the ILDS was created to address the global maldistribution of dermatologic resources and healthcare services available for common skin diseases in developing countries. In addition the original purpose, the ILDS has provided care for those suffering from skin disorders, particularly in resource-poor regions on a global scale.


The ACMS also interacts with a number of organizations related to dermatology, skin cancer, dermatologic surgery, medical practice and more:

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